### Configuration #### General - .bashrc Please make sure the following lines are in your `~/.bashrc`. ```bash ############################################################# # Lmod ############################################################# source /usr/share/lmod/lmod/init/bash ############################################################# # EasyBuild Modules ############################################################# export MODULEPATH=/apps/easybuild/4.5.4/modules/all ############################################################# # Spack Modules ############################################################# export SPACK_ROOT=/apps/spack/0.19.0 source /apps/spack/0.19.0/share/spack/setup-env.sh ############################################################# # User specific aliases and functions ############################################################# # Please do not put any functions that are not necessary # If you plan to use jupyterhub almost anything will clobber your jupyterhub # Instead, create a .local directory with your scripts, and source as needed ############################################################# export NXF_ANSI_LOG="False" export NXF_CONDA_CACHEDIR="${HOME}/.conda/envs" export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR="${HOME}/.singularity" ``` #### Package Managers - Cache It is *highly* recommended that you keep your `/home` directory as clear as possible. A very easy way to fill it up is to use package managers. Most package managers default to caching packages in your home directory. Many package managers are already configured to write to `/apps/users/{USER}/package_manager_dir`. For different package managers you will need to create your own symlinks ```bash # example for ~/.conda # by default a symlink to /apps is already setup for you. # this example is only for demonstration purposes ls -lah ~/.conda mkdir -p /apps/users/${USER}/.conda ln -s -f /apps/users/${USER}/.conda ~/ ``` #### Singularity + Nextflow If you plan to use Nextflow with singularity you will also want to use a global cache. ```bash mkdir -p /apps/users/${USER}/.singularity ln -s -f /apps/users/${USER}/.singularity ~/ ``` #### Package Managers - Conda This is the recommended .condarc for your system. To learn more about channel priorities and why they are set the way they are please see the [bioconda](https://bioconda.github.io/) docs. ```bash # This is the recommended conda confiugration # ~/.condarc channels: - conda-forge - bioconda - defaults channel_priority: strict create_default_packages: - ipython - ipykernel ``` You can get this configuration with: ```bash conda config --add channels defaults conda config --add channels bioconda conda config --add channels conda-forge conda config --set channel_priority strict conda config --add create_default_packages ipykernel conda config --add create_default_packages ipython ``` You can learn more about installing software with conda on the [install-software](../software/install-software.md) page. #### Package Managers - R We *highly* recommend that you use conda to bootstrap your R environments.